gbn store review

I decided to start with Kalpa name brand products as they had very good reviews. The results have been amazing. Im on my 2nd cycle and added a small amount of tbol 200 to my program. Running Test E twice a week total 500mg and 200mg a week of tbol. I am week 10 of 12 and damn my body is hard as a rock. Burnt off almost all of my stomach fat. I’m 45 and have seen abs it over 15 years. That is about to change. Lets keep in mind I’m working out 7 days a week. Only for 1.5 to 2 hours a day. And out of those 7, 2 days are cardio, so only 5 are power lifting. Still, since June 22 to now I have went from 5 8 225lbs (Fat ass) to 5 8 175 lbs ripped. I could barely bench 135 lbs on June 22 and this morning I was bounching 205 lbs 12 reps 4 sets. The products you sell are worth ever penny. I just wish I wasn’t semi poor and could buy more. I would recommend your website above all others. Thanks to you and everyone in your organization. Its a privilege for me to get my gear from you. Kind Regard

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