Danabol 10 mg Review MANUFACTURER: Balkan PharmaceuticalsGOAL: Muscle Mass, Bulking AgentTYPE: TabletsACTIVE SUBSTANCE: MethanienoneSTRENGTH: 10 mg/tabCOUNT: 100 tabs Danabol 10 mg Tablets Reviews I like this danabol. Gained about 14 pounds in less than 4 weeks. Run it at 50mg daily. Good pumps, vascularity and fullness. Doesn’t compare with the other dbols I’ve used. Legit pills for sure and will be my choice next cycle. Took it to kickstart my trenbolone and test cycle and strength started to increase after the first couple of days. Also all the sides were there, itchy nipples heartburn water retention… Great stuff. Strength went up within a week and it really was good. First few days was feeling much and started to think it’s underdosed but it really kicked in by the end of the first week. Was recommended to me by a friend and it was worth it. I used this dianabol some time ago and I can tell it’s legit if you get real stuff from trusted sources. Was about 7 pounds havies by the end of the first week, from water retention obviously. Strenght went up as well. Except some steady gains while on this stuff I’ve been in this game for a while. This stuff is amazing! Gave some of my supplied to a buddy and he liked it as well. Buy from DaddyRoids Buy from GBNstore Buy from PandaRoids 0 Reviews Write a Review Submit Review