british dragon testabol review

I starts this testabol on months ago as my second vial of this brand. I did my test at 750 mg per week so the second vial is when things really start. My blast went as expected, more morning wood, oily face when sweating, I gained about 4 pounds on the vial I ran. The test was good in my opinion, I didn’t stop or get weaker, my cycle went as expected and I would use this lab again anytime. The oil is smooth and easy to inject, pretty painless, just pip I had My mistake in moving the syringe too much abd that was accompanied by blood so my mistake didn’t say anything bad about the source. Was good, my service and delivery were good and most importantly the product was good and effective that was my experience with British dragon. This brand is new, but its work hard. For sure must try! I get testabol 2 weeks ago, already feel it in my muscle. recommend it to all.

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